E61 Espresso Machines Are Too Large!
OK, let me explain the problem more clearly. Every single E61 group head style espresso machine I have seen is at least 16 inches deep from front to back. This is a big problem when the space you have is limited to 15 inches. This is a common problem since 15 inch base kitchen cabinets are actually quite common in many kitchens. We need more compact espresso machines, but here are a few that are very good!
There are a couple of options:
- We can add a solid base, maybe out of wood, to extend the depth of our counter and set the machine on top of it. But this looks awkward and ugly!
- Another option, the one I prefer, is to simply not get a machine that has the E61 group head. There are plenty of good quality machines from respected brands that you can choose from.
OK, so let’s look at some E61 alternative machines that have heads which are saturated (an alternative way to heat the head and portafilter).
The following list of machines are high quality alternatives to E61 machines and make great compact espresso machines:
Lelit Elizabeth v3
The Elizabeth is a dual boiler machine that is very well made and offers many new tech features that most E61 machines lack out of the box. It’s also got an all stainless steel casing woth high quality and easily maintainable parts inside.
Ascaso Steel Duo
Here is another high quality option. This machine heats up in just 5 minutes and is ready to brew! ..thanks to two dedicated thermoblock’s, one for the brewer and the other for steam.
Quick Mill Luna
This is another high quality dual boiler machine that gives you two independent circuits to brew your coffee and steam your milk. Just like the other machines above, it also includes PID and other more advanced features.
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