When it comes to making espresso at home, nothing is more important than using fresh coffee beans and the right espresso grinders! To accomplish this, it is important to grind your own coffee beans right before brewing your coffee with a burr type grinder.
When brewing espresso however, it is very important that you use an espresso specific grinder. Regular blade grinders will not be able to grind small and consistent enough to brew great tasting espresso.
The best espresso grind size is generally fine and powdery, resembling table salt. However, the exact grind size can vary based on factors like the type of espresso machine, the coffee beans, and personal preference. It’s important to adjust the grind size and experiment to achieve the right balance of extraction time and flavor for your specific setup.
Here are 3 awesome espresso specific coffee grinders that will deliver great espresso grinds without breaking the bank!
Baratza Encore ESP
The “ESP” in this new version of the Baratza Encore stands for “ESPresso”, which tells you that this grinders primary purpose is to grind espresso. It uses a genius grinder burr adjustment technique that lets you make fine adjustments to grind size, necessary for espresso grinding. However, it can also grind beans for making regular drip coffee as well.
Eureka Mignon Silenzio
The Silenzio is specifically designed to grind espresso. It has an awesome adjustment knob on the top that lets you make very accurate adjustments to the grind size. Also, as the name suggests, it is able to grind without making too much noise, it is one of the most quietest grinders available!
Sette 270 Wi
The Sette 270 Wi is a very advanced grinder. It has many high tech features, including the ability to grind specific amounts of coffee beans by weight! And not only that, it learns and adjusts to your specific coffee means each time you grind, giving you more accurate grinds.
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